I am officially the best headshot photographer in Vancouver! In all of my days, I never expected to be voted the best headshot photographer in Vancouver and I cannot thank all of my family, friends, clients, and followers for nominating me. The Georgia Straight hosts the Best of Van competition every year where Vancouverites vote on the best local businesses. Somehow all of you nominated me for the best headshot photographer in Vancouver and I Won!
3 Reasons I Love Being a Headshot Photographer
The people
There are so many things I love about being a headshot photographer. The number one reason I love being a headshot photographer is the people! I get to meet so many cool people. My standard headshot session is 90 minutes and I am able to spend one on one time with individuals and really get to know them. I get to learn about their kids, their hobbies, and their successes. When people come to me for a headshot session they expect me to do a lot of posing and cool lighting techniques, but the magic happens in us just hanging out. When I am able to make a personal connection with an individual and they forget they are in front of a camera, we are able to capture their true self and that is what makes an amazing headshot. I gain more from my headshot clients because I get more relationships with every headshot session.
The Transformation
Every single person who is front of my camera starts off the headshot session nervous and often self-deprecating. It is normal for the first 15 minutes to be quite stiff and to have a lack of confidence. Let’s be honest, being in front of the camera can really suck and can make us very self-conscious. Once I am able to give a little instruction and then we start to connect on a personal level, I can physically see their spirit gain confidence, their posture improves and their body language starts to communicate self-worth. Watching this transformation to me is so gratifying.
Every Photo Tells A Story
I get really excited when a headshot client sees immediate traction with their new headshot. When people tell me how surprised they were once they started using their new headshot, or they have had many people compliment them on their new headshot, even people getting triple the number of Instagram likes, I get super amped! This is no coincidence. Having a professional headshot helps tell a story about you. The majority of our first impressions are now online and people make judgments about who you are and whether or not the will trust you based on your headshot. You only get one shot to make a first impression, What does your headshot say about you?

I once again want to thank everybody who voted me Best Headshot Photographer in Vancouver. If you need new headshots or you know somebody who needs new headshots, please send me an email. I would love to help give you the best headshot you have ever had!